Item Coversheet

Item: 2015 Resurfacing Program
Department: Engineering

Over the past year, the Village Staff Pavement Committee developed a plan to resurface 7.5 miles of asphalt streets and continue to complete concrete panel replacement in the Regent Park neighborhood for the 2015 Resurfacing Program. Bids were duly advertised and publicly opened on May 12, 2015. The bids received and the Engineer’s Estimate is as follows:



Arrow Road Construction (low bid) $3,639,291

J.A. Johnson Paving Co.                                      $4,048,840


Engineer’s Estimate                                            $3,644,387



Amount of Bid Recommended: $3,639,291


Arrow Road Construction has successfully performed the resurfacing program for the Village of Arlington Heights for the past several years, including the 2014 Resurfacing Program.  Once approved, this work could begin in late May.



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the execution of a contract with Arrow Road Construction, Inc. in the amount of $3,639,291 for the 2015 Resurfacing Program.

Bid Section

Item:2015 Resurfacing Program
Bid Opening Date:May 12, 2015
Account Numbers:401-5001-571.50-30 (Resurfacing Program) $3,600,000 101-7101-531.21-15 (Street and Sidewalk Maintenance) $90,000 505-9001-571.50-25 (SW 90-01) (Sewer and Water) $40,000
Total Budget for Specific Item:$3,730,000
Bid Amount:$3,639,291