Pursuant to orders issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this Village Board meeting is closed to in-person, public attendance. The meeting is being held via Zoom Meeting, which permits the public to fully participate in the virtual Board meeting via ZOOM, their phones, or by watching the meeting online, or on our cable access channels - 17 on Comcast, 6 on WOW, and find the Arlington Heights access on AT&T U-Verse.
To participate via Zoom, this link will take you to the instructions for joining the meeting using Zoom: https://bit.ly/3aImHBZ
Residents who wish to comment or ask a question on an item on the Agenda or under Citizens to Be Heard may either participate via Zoom or send an email to the Village at info@vah.com. To be shared at the meeting, the email must be received by 3:00 p.m. on April 6. | | | |