Report of Committee of the Whole Meeting of January 25, 2021
1. Trustee Padovani moved, seconded by Trustee Tinaglia to direct Staff to make operational preparations and draft an amendment to the 2021 Budget to restart Arlington Alfresco for 2021 beginning mid-March, weather permitting and conclude
November 2 (or an earlier date if a downtown festival is to be planned post Alfresco) as described in the Staff Memo, including the development of a security plan.
2. Trustee Canty moved, seconded by Trustee LaBedz to waive of minimum parking requirements for outdoor dining for private property, and other code requirements, as needed, for the remainder of 2021 during the Coronavirus pandemic to assist businesses outside of the Arlington Alfresco pedestrian area and encourage them
to develop outdoor dining concepts and pursue cooperative ways to promote all businesses.
3. Trustee Scaletta moves, seconded by Trustee LaBedz to allow outdoor live music within the Alfresco zone subject to the Village Manager’s approval and modifications. Staff will continue to monitor live music during the pandemic and if problems persist, pursue option B shall be required of restaurants. The Village Manager retains the authority granted by the Village Board last summer to halt music in a venue if it is deemed too loud and the operator is not in compliance with the Village’s sound directives.
4. Trustee LaBedz moved, seconded by Trustee Canty to develop an operational plan and budget for a post pandemic annual Alfresco concept beginning 2022 commencing in May including criteria for live music, hours, security and other standards.
5. Trustee Scaletta moved, seconded by Trustee Baldino to direct staff to work with the Special Events Commission, Chamber of Commerce and other
stakeholders on the development and cost and operational analysis of alternative
downtown special event concepts to take place at the conclusion of Arlington Alfresco on an annual basis and, if possible, in 2021 for Board approval.