Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of October 2, 2014
Performing Arts at Metropolis Request for Additional Funding
Trustee Scaletta moved, seconded by Trustee Glasgow that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board to approve PAM's request for additional funding in the amount of $450,000 with the funds to be disbursed as follows: approximately $300,000 to be paid upon submission to and review by the Village of the current bills due and the remainder to be disbursed periodically after submission to and review by the Village of the bills. PAM will continue to be responsible for and pay when due future CAM charges.
The motion passed, with Trustees Farwell, Glasgow, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Scaletta, Tinaglia, and Mayor Hayes voting aye and Trustees Blackwood and Sidor voting no.