Report of the Committee-of-the-Whole Meeting of February 8, 2016
Proposed Amendments to the Various Sections of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code
1. Section 2-204: Motion to recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed amendments to section 2-204 of the Village Code as presented.
Trustee Glasgow moved, seconded by Trustee Sidor, that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed Code amendment 2-204; Village Board Meetings.
Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously
2. Section 2-206: Motion to recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed amendments to section 2-206 of the Village Code as presented.
Trustee LaBedz moved, seconded by Trustee Scaletta, that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed Code amendment 2-206; Village Board Rules of Procedure
Ayes: Trustees Blackwood, LaBedz, Rosenberg, Scaletta, Sidor, Tinaglia and President Hayes. Nayes: Trustees Farwell, Glasgow
The motion passed.
3. Section 3-102: Motion to recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed amendments to section 3-102 of the Village Code as presented.
Trustee LaBedz moved, seconded by Trustee Scaletta, that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed Code amendment 3-102; Village Board Rules of Procedure.
Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
4. Section 12-1010: Motion to recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed amendments to section 12-1010 of the Village Code as presented.
Trustee Farwell moved, seconded by Trustee Scaletta, that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed Code amendment 12-1010, Notice Regulating Soliciting and Peddling.
Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
5. Section 13-501 and 13-503: Motion to recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed amendments to sections 13-501 and 13-503 of the Village Code as presented.
Trustee LaBedz moved, seconded by Trustee Scaletta, that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed Code amendment 13-501 and 13-503, Liquor Classification and Hours of Operation.
Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
6. Section 19-101a: Motion to recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed amendments to section 19-101a of the Village Code as presented.
Trustee Farwell moved, seconded by Trustee Scaletta, that the Committee-of-the-Whole recommend to the Village Board adoption of the proposed Code amendment 19-101a, Definitions, Approved Solid Waste Container.
Upon a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.