Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Survey Services Contract Extension for 2019/2020 Survey
Department: Public Works

The Engineering Division is in the process of identifying the streets to be included in the 2020 MFT Street Reconstruction and Street Rehabilitation Program.  The first step in the design process is to perform the necessary topographic surveys that will be used as the base for design.  Our past experience has shown that this work is efficiently handled through a professional service contract with a qualified engineering survey firm that uses specialized survey equipment. The survey firm first collects the topographic data and then interfaces with our AutoDesk CAD program; which provides a layout of the street along with the topographic data.


In the fall of 2017, the Village sought proposals for a one-year contract with the ability to extend for three optional years to provide topographic survey in a cost per lineal foot basis.  As part of the RFP, we also requested that consultants provide a lump sum cost to convert the collected utility data into the Village of Arlington Heights GIS format. Thomas Engineering Group (TEG) was awarded the contract and adequately performed the drafting and survey services.  The cost proposed by TEG was the lowest of the four firms that submitted proposals.  TEG has agreed to extend the contract for a third year, per contract terms at a rate of $2.16 per linear foot and $1,837.48 lump sum for the GIS data import.


Staff selected 3.2 miles (16,972 linear feet) to be surveyed for a total contract amount of $38,497 which includes the GIS data import.


Funding for the General Survey and CAD Drafting Services for the 2020 Street Reconstruction and Street Rehabilitation Program is included in the current budget in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST9008).




It is recommended that the Village Board approve a one-year contract extension for the General Survey and CAD Drafting Services for the 2020 Street Reconstruction and Street Rehabilitation Program to Thomas Engineering in an amount not-to-exceed $38,497 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents. The surveys will be performed as weather allows this fall for construction that  is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2020.