The Village has undertaken a multi-year program to rehabilitate the four Village-owned Parking Garages. The program was initiated in 2015 after a completion of a condition assessment. The main rehabilitation phase of the program has been completed and the Planning Department has been working on an enhancement to the parking garages, to make them more appealing and manageable. Public Works was tasked with preparing plans and specifications for a painting theme for the Vail and North Garages. These plans and specifications defined the scope of the project to include the exterior stairwell walls (facing the garage), select concrete columns and panels, and doors to enhance both the appearances and functionality of the structures. These plans were then distributed to area painting firms.
On September 10, 2019, the Village publicly opened and read aloud four bids for the painting project. Prices ranged from $54,430 to $104,471. Codeco Industries was the apparent low bidder. The Village has successfully worked with Codeco on several projects in the past, and recommends approval. The Village Board has earmarked $750,000 from reserves for the Phase One Parking Improvements. The total cost of the guidance system, Vail Garage Lighting Enhancements, Parking Lot Signage, Interior Garage Signage, and the painting will total $732,728. Therefore, there is adequate funding in the Municipal Parking Capital Fund Reserves to accommodate this request.
Funds for this project will be available in Account No. 235-7101-571.50-25 (BL0006), after the approved fund transfer.
It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2019 Parking Garage Painting contract to Codeco Industries, of Hodgkins, Illinois in an amount not-to-exceed $54,430. It is further recommended that the Municipal Parking Fund budget be amended by transferring $55,000 from the Parking Fund Reserves to Account No. 235-7101-571-50-25, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.