Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Backyard Drainage Improvements 2019 Contract Award
Department: Public Works

The Backyard Drainage Improvement Program is designed to extend the Village's Sewer Infrastructure to allow residents to connect private drainage improvements that would otherwise be cost prohibitive.  The requirements of the program are that the improvements will help alleviate flooding issues that adversely affects a structure, multiple properties, or the public right-of-way.  The Storm Water Control Fund budget includes $300,000 for the 2019 Backyard Drainage Program, and the Village has been awarded a $170,000 DCEO Grant for this program. 

On September 5th, 2019, two bids were publicly opened and read aloud.  Although five plan sets were picked up, only two bids were received. The bid tabulation is as follows:

BIDDER                                  TOTAL BID

Martam Construction, Inc.            $ 757,667.00

Mauro Sewer Construction, Inc.   $ 859,821.00


The Engineer's estimate for the project was $508,000.  The program purposely included a larger scope than budgeted because it sometimes allows the Village to benefit from aggressive bidders.  Engineer's estimates are based on the previous year's work, and have come in below 2019 bids on multiple projects.


Although the bids came in higher than expected, prices have been consistently high all year, and we have re-bid this project once, and staff is not confident prices will be lower next year.  Staff would like to take advantage of early conclusion of this year's road projects, and have the resources available to dedicate to this program this fall.  Next year's project workload is already expected to be larger than normal, and moving this project into next year would complicate the schedule, and add additional stress to the limited staff. Finally, the residents affected by these projects have been informed that their projects were budgeted and would be let this year.  Although promises have not been made, the program has long waiting times and anticipation for project awards tend to run high.  Therefore, staff is recommending that Martam Construction Inc. be awarded the 2019 Backyard Drainage Improvement Program.  Martam Construction has successfully performed underground work for the Village in the past, and has been deemed a responsible bidder, and is currently meeting expectations on the Downtown Sewer Project.


Staff has discussed the overage with Finance, and funds are available in Storm Water Control Fund reserves which can be transferred to Backyard Drainage Improvements program account 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW 1102).



It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2019 Backyard Drainage Improvement Program to Martam Construction, Inc. of Elgin, Illinois, in the amount not-to-exceed $757,667 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.  It is recommended further that the 2019 Backyard Drainage Improvement program budget be amended by $457,667, paid for through $170,000 from the DCEO grant and $287,667 transferred from Storm Water Control Fund reserves.