Requested Action
1. Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the subject property into three lots.
Variations Required
1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-2.2, Required Minimum Yards, to reduce the required exterior side yard setback on Lot 3 from 40 feet to 30 feet.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on October 23, 2019 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Cherwin seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#19-009, a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision to subdivide the subject property into three lots, and the following variation:
1. A variation to Chapter 28, Section 5.1-2.2, Required Minimum Yards, to reduce the required exterior side yard setback on Lot 3 from 40 feet to 30 feet.
This approval shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. The existing home on the subject property must be demolished as part of Final Plat of Subdivision approval, and must be completed no less than six months after recording of the Final Plat of Subdivision.
2. Right-of-way dedication shall be required along the western side of Chestnut Avenue (33 feet) and along the southern side of LaSalle Street (26 feet), and both right-of-ways shall be fully improved to comply with Village requirements.
3. A Design Commission application shall be required for all new homes proposed on the subject property.
4. A $9,002 fee in lieu of on-site detention shall be required.
5. Land contribution fees shall be required for lots 1 and 3.
6. The tree preservation and landscape plan shall be revised so that the 8-inch Mulberry tree that is slated for preservation shall be removed and replaced with a State Street Maple tree, and the three State Street Maple trees proposed along Chestnut Avenue be revised to be Ivory Silk Japanese Lilac trees.
7. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Jensen, Lorenzini, Cherwin, Green, and Chair Ennes voted in favor. Motion carried.