Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - Easement for Storm Sewer - 323 S Walnut Ave
Department: Engineering/PW/Legal

As part of the review for permit #19-2377 for a new detached garage at 323 S Walnut Ave, the homeowners have agreed to dedicate a public storm sewer easement along a portion of their property.  This will enable the Village to maintain the existing public 72 inch sewer currently located under the homeowner's yard. 


The proposed action will establish a 15-20 foot wide public storm sewer easement across the middle of the property over the existing 72 inch sewer as shown on the attached plat.




It is recommended that a Resolution Accepting a Plat of Easement for Public Storm Sewer at 323 S Walnut Ave, be approved.

Easement - Storm Sewer - 323 S Walnut AveResolution