The approved 2019 Capital Budget includes $1,084,700 for the replacement of four single-axle dump trucks, and one dual-axle dump truck for the Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department.
The vehicles being purchased are two standard flat body dump trucks, two swap loaders, and one dual-axle dump truck.
The proposed vehicles are being purchased through the State Joint Purchasing Program. The State of Illinois, through their Central Management Services Department, offers a joint purchasing program to municipalities. The current State of Illinois contract for heavy-duty trucks is through Rush Truck Centers of Springfield, IL.
The trucks being replaced will be 14 years old by the time the proposed trucks arrive. The trucks are designed for snow plow operations, but are heavily used during road paving and leaf hauling programs as well. This is the second purchase of swap loaders, which was started as an experiment two years ago. Swap loaders offer a hook-loading mechanism that allows an operator to interchange truck bodies without any assistance. This experiment has proven beneficial, especially during leaf hauling operations. This purchase will provide the PW Department with four swap loaders in our fleet.
The Fleet Unit of Public Works has inspected the current dump trucks and recommends replacement. If the purchase is approved, four of the trucks will go to reserve status and four of the oldest trucks will go to auction.
Staff has successfully worked with Rush Truck Centers before and recommends award. The total purchase is $3,599 under the approved budget.
Funds for this purchase are available in Account No. 621-9003-572.50-05 (VH9501).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid to Rush Truck Centers of Springfield, Illinois for the purchase of two single-axle standard dump trucks, two single-axle swap loaders, and one dual-axle dump truck, in an amount of $1,080,101 for the Maintenance Division of Public Works and authorize Staff to execute the necessary contracts.