The approved 2019 Public Works - Fleet Budget includes $160,000 for the replacement of the step van used by the PW Water Distribution Unit. The step van is similar in size to a UPS truck, and is used to store pumps, generators, watermain sleeves, etc., during watermain repair operations.
The current truck #53W is approximately 15 years old, and has been inspected and deemed necessary for replacement by the PW Fleet Unit. The current vehicle will be surplused in accordance with Village guidelines.
Staff is proposing to purchase a 2020 Ford Commercial Step Van at a total cost of $149,677 through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC). SPC is a joint purchasing program for local communities to obtain better prices through economies of scale. The SPC represents 143 municipalities in the six County area of Northern Illinois and is administered through the Northwest Municipal Conference.
This year's award is through Sutton Ford, Inc. of Matteson, IL. The Village has had past satisfactory experience with Sutton Ford, and staff recommends award.
Funds for this purchase are available in Account No. 621-9003-572.50-05 (VH9502).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid to Sutton Ford of Matteson, Illinois in the amount of $149,677 for the purchase of a 2020 Ford Commercial Step Van for the Public Works - Water Distribution Unit, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary contracts.