On April 15, 2019, the Village Board awarded the contract for the Downtown Sewer Improvements to Martam Construction of Elgin, IL in the full bid amount of $3,649,582.80.
Staff anticipated challenges that would potentially result in additional expenses when reporting on the Downtown Sewer Improvement Project last spring. Constructing large diameter sewers in the oldest part of town presented numerous challenges and conflicts with existing utilities. To date, four Change Orders were authorized for needed additional work. These changes were within staff’s authority, as they balanced out with savings from unused or reduced quantities on other pay items, resulting in a net increase to the contract of $83.05.
Change Order #5, in the amount of $54,700.93, includes a variety of pay item increases to account for actual field quantities. Increases in the sidewalk items resulted from required modifications to sewer alignment at multiple intersections along Sigwalt Street, notably at Ridge Avenue and at Walnut Avenue. Extra work items account for unforeseen and necessary work that was not covered by a contract pay item; for example: coring and plugging sewer connections in manholes after realignment due to utility conflicts.
It is recommended that the Village Board approve Change Order #5 in the amount of $54,700.93. It is further recommended that the Storm Water Control Fund (Account #426-7101-571.50-25, SW1804) budget for this project be amended using available reserves in this fund, and to authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.