Petitioner, Paul Florczak, Architect for 1010 S. Arlington Heights Road, seeking a variance from Chapter 23, Article IV, IBC Section [F]903.2 and Chapter 27, Article I, IFC Section 903.2 of the Arlington Heights Code for the requirement of installing a fire sprinkler system with Fire Department connection at ground level suite with new 1500 square foot expansion to existing 1200 square foot suite.
At the meeting on January 21, 2020, the Building Code Review Board made a motion recommending to the Village Board to grant the request for a variance from the Village Code by not putting in the sprinkler system and assuming the upcoming new codes pass, the fire alarm system will not be required. If the Codes do not pass, the fire alarm system will be required to substantiate the variance.
Upon review by Legal it was determined the motion approved by the BCRB was conditional in nature and therefore not appropriate as a stand-alone motion. Staff recommends that the Village Board approve one of the following motions as an alternative:
1. That the Village Board grant the request for relief from the requirement in Chapter 23 Article IV, IBC Section [F]903.2 and Chapter 27, Article I, IFC Section 903.2 of the Arlington Heights Code for the installation of a fire sprinkler system for the proposed expansion.
2. That the Village Board grant the request for relief from the requirement in Chapter 23 Article IV, IBC Section [F]903.2 and Chapter 27, Article I, IFC Section 903.2 of the Arlington Heights Code for the installation of a fire sprinkler system for the proposed expansion. This approval is conditioned upon the installation of an appropriate fire alarm system.