Staff and the Building Code Review Board (BCRB) have discussed, and recommended a complete update of the Building Code over the past several months. Village Staff has comprehensively reviewed the latest standard codes with an eye towards enforceability, fairness, and clarity for end users. Staff has worked to minimize the local amendments currently in our code as well as bring our codes up to contemporary industry standards. These changes will bring greater clarity to both inspectors and those individuals who build and invest in our community.
The BCRB reviewed these recommendations in October and approved a series of motions on the updates to the code. The Village Board discussed the changes at December Committee of the Whole Meeting. The draft changes discussed have now been incorporated into the Village Code language. The proposed changes include adoption of the following Codes:
The construction and property maintenance standards for the Village are being updated to include:
ICC 2018 International Building Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Residential Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Fire Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Existing Building Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Mechanical Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Fuel Gas Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code with amendments
NFPA 2017 National Electrical Code with amendments
ICC 2018 International Property Maintenance Code with amendments
This update also includes changes to the Administrative language of Chapter 23 and some minor changes to fees in Chapter 7. Changes to other Chapters are housekeeping in nature by updating cross-references between Municipal Code Chapters.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Village Board approve the attached ordinance amending chapters
7, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code
(Building regulations amendments)