Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Code Amendment - Chapter 8 - Cannabis/Drug Paraphernalia
Department: Police/Legal

As a result of the change in State law legalizing adult-use cannabis as of January 1, 2020, Village Code provisions related to cannabis and drug paraphernalia need to be amended. The attached ordinance deletes the existing Code articles in their entirety and replaces them with ones that are consistent with the State law. One new provision is the addition of a social host responsibility provision. There is a social host responsibility provision in the Village Code for use of alcohol by minors and the Police Department felt it was important to have a similar provision holding adults responsible for illegal use of cannabis by minors on premises under the ownership or control of an adult.


The Police Department has reviewed this ordinance and supports its adoption.



It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Ordinance Amending Chapter 8 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code related to cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
Code Amendment - Chapter 8 - Cannabis/Drug ParaphernaliaOrdinance