The Public Works Operating Budget includes the maintenance and periodic lead removal for the Police Department's Firing Range. Since opening the new facility, the Village has been utilizing past contracts and one-time service calls to perform the necessary maintenance.
The PW Building Maintenance Unit has received and reviewed two proposals from nearby companies specializing in the maintenance of firing ranges. The maintenance and cleaning of modern firing ranges is a complicated task, and there are limited competent vendors that specialize in this work. The service includes trap inspection and cleaning, HEPA vacuuming of baffles, supply installation, disposal of all pre and post filters, necessary testing, and hazardous material disposal. Proposals ranged from $26,545 to $61,000.
The lowest proposal for the annual services set forth above was received from BTS Best Technology Systems at $26,545. Staff has contacted their references and recommends award.
Funds are available in Account No. 101-7101-531.21-11 for this service contract.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bidding, and award the range cleaning services to BTS Best Technology Systems of Plainfield, Illinois for the yearly cost not-to-exceed $26,545 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.