Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Parking Garage Granular Deicing Chemicals 2020
Department: Public Works

The Public Works Department performs Snow and Ice Control on the Village-owned Parking Garages.  In order to accomplish this task, Staff utilizes a combination of liquid and granular non-chloride deicer.  The use of chlorides has a negative effect on the structural steel embedded into the garage’s concrete. A past study completed by structural engineers proved that our steel is in good condition, even after 20+ years of service.

The FY20 budget includes $68,000 for the purchase of non-chloride deicer for the Village-owned Parking Garages.  On Oct 18, 2017, a public bid opening was held for the supply and delivery of a Granular Sodium Acetate/Formate blend. Schoenberg Salt of Oceanside, NY was the lowest responsible bidder at $1,741.50/metric ton.

Although the bid specifications were for three years, the 2017 agenda item was not clear.  Staff has been using this vendor since FY17 and has been happy with their service.  Staff recommends approval of the 3rd year of the contract, without an increase in price, per the original contract terms.

Funds for this purchase are available in Account No. 235-7301-532.31-90 ($14,000), Account No. 235-7302-532.31-90 ($30,300), and Account No. 235-7303-532.31-90 ($23,700). 


It is recommended that the Village Board award the Parking Garage Granular Deicing Chemicals contract to the low responsible bidder Schoenberg Salt of Oceanside, New York, for the furnishing and delivery of the non-chloride deicer, in an amount not-to-exceed $1,741.50/metric ton, up to budget limits, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.