In September 2019, the Village Board Committee of the Whole discussed at great length a detailed report, data and a series of recommendations regarding refining Arlington Heights Affordable Guidelines. At the conclusion of the Committee of the Whole meeting, the Board directed Staff to prepare an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
Since then, Staff has conducted extensive research on other communities that have Inclusionary Housing Ordinances, as well as gathering additional data and preparing a draft Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. In December 2019, a draft ordinance was provided to the Village Board for early review and feedback. In January, the Committee of the Whole discussed the draft Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and provided direction on a series of issues. The Board asked that the Housing Commission be given the opportunity to comment on the final draft ordinance.
On February 4, the Housing Commission discussed the Ordinance and made three motions addressing concerns. The draft Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance was originally placed on the March 16th Village Board meeting which was subsequently cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
It is recommended that the Board provide feedback, direction and recommend any desired changes to the final draft ordinance and authorize Staff to make such changes for Village Board action.