Requested Action
1. Rezoning from R-1, One-family Dwelling District and B-3, General Service, Wholesale, and Motor Vehicle District, to the B-2, General Business District.
2. Land Use Variation to allow a Contractor Shop in the B-2 District.
Variations Required
1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-11, to allow an area of B-2 Zoning that is approximately 2.36 acres where a minimum of 4 acres is required.
2. Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(2), to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking study by a certified traffic engineer.
A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on May 13, 2020 where Commissioner Cherwin moved and Commissioner Drost seconded:
A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#20-004, a Rezoning from the R-1 One-Family Dwelling District and B-3 General Service , Wholesale, and Motor Vehicle District into the B-2 General Business District; a Land Use Variation to allow a contractor shop within the B-2 Zoning District; and the following variations:
1. Chapter 28, Section 5.1-11, to allow an area of B-2 Zoning that is approximately 2.36 acres where a minimum of 4 acres is required.
2. Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1(2), to waive the requirement for a traffic and parking study by a certified traffic engineer.
This recommendation shall be subject to the following conditions:
1. The Land Use Variation shall apply to Paragon Mechanical only.
2. Any contractor vehicle, which shall be defined as any contractor truck owned by the petitioner or employees of the petitioner (regardless of the presence of signage) or any passenger vehicle with contractor signage, be prohibited from parking at the front of the site. Such vehicles, whether during the day or overnight, shall only park behind the building so as to not be visible from Arlington Heights Road or shall be parked within one of the interior parking spaces.
3. The petitioner shall be required to implement the phased landscape plan prepared by the Village of Arlington Heights and dated 5-8-2020. Phase one landscape improvements shall be completed no later than September 30, 2020, and Phase two landscape improvements shall be completed no later than September 30, 2022.
4. The petitioner shall install a code compliant dumpster enclosure, or alternatively, the salt dome can be used as the dumpster enclosure, provided that the dumpster is not visible from Arlington Heights Road.
5. Outdoor storage of materials shall be prohibited.
6. The following signage restrictions shall apply:
a. No ground signage shall be allowed along the on-ramp frontage or tollway frontage. The ground sign along the Arlington Heights Road frontage shall be a monument style ground sign, to be no taller than six feet in height.
b. No wall signage shall be allowed on the accessory structures located on the subject property.
7. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.
Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Dawson, Jensen, Warskow, Cherwin, Drost, Chair Ennes voted in favor. Commissioners Green, Lorenzini and Sigalos voted against.
The vote was 6 - 3 in favor.