The Village has reviewed uncontrolled intersections in the Scarsdale neighborhood. Accident data and intersection conditions were evaluated to determine if the warrant was met for 2-way stop control. Based upon the results, stop signs are recommended at the intersections listed below. Under Ordinance #75-076, yield signs were installed at the intersection of Fairview Street and Pine Avenue. With Fairview Street now having stop control at all other 4-way intersections, Ordinance #75-076 needs to be repealed and a 2-way stop added at the intersection of Fairview Street and Pine Avenue under this Ordinance.
Lincoln Lane Park Street
Lincoln Lane Fairview Street
Fairview Street Newbury Place
Belmont Avenue Fairview Street
Pine Avenue Fairview Street
Roosevelt Avenue Orchard Street
It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Ordinance Designating Two-Way Stop Streets at certain intersections in the Scarsdale neighborhood.