The approved 2020 Capital Budget includes $154,000 for the replacement of four Police pursuit vehicles for the Police Department. A noteworthy difference this year is that a hybrid motor is now standard. Staff is excited to put this technology to the test, as this new system will reduce idling hours and allow the vehicle to maintain functionality. The current vehicles will all be in excess of five years old when these new vehicles are received and put in service. The Fleet Unit of Public Works has inspected the vehicles and has determined they are in need of replacement. The current vehicles will be surplused or repurposed in accordance with Village guidelines.
Staff is proposing to purchase the vehicles through the Suburban Purchasing Cooperative (SPC). SPC is a joint purchasing program for local communities. The SPC represents 143 municipalities in the six County area of Northern Illinois, and is administered through the Northwest Municipal Conference.
Currie Motors of Frankfort, IL is this year's winning bidder for this vehicle. The Village has worked with Currie Motors in the past and found them to be acceptable.
Funds are available for the vehicles purchase in Account No. 621-9003-572.50-05 (VH9503).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the bid to Currie Motors of Frankfort, Illinois, in the amount of $152,884 for the purchase of four 2021 Ford Hybrid Utility Police Interceptors for the Police Department, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.