Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Code Amendment - Chapter 18 - Traffic
Department: Police/Legal

The attached ordinance contains amendments to several sections of Chapter 18. Most of the proposed changes are clean-ups. The explanation for each proposed change is set forth below:


 1.       Section 18-201: The proposed changes include the deletion of unnecessary language (paragraph a) and adding language to make it clear that parking on a paved driveway apron is lawful.


The third change, new paragraph 3, is added at the suggestion of the Police Chief. Currently, it is illegal to park in a driveway blocking the sidewalk. That prohibition is in place in order to ensure that people walking on the sidewalk are not impeded by a vehicle. The Chief suggested that the prohibition on blocking the sidewalk be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. – the hours most often utilized by walkers – making it legal to block the sidewalk between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Hopefully, this will help to minimize the number of people requesting to park cars on the street overnight, which will keep more of the streets clear for snow removal and street cleaning purposes.


2.       Section 18-203: The majority of changes are just cleaning up the list of prohibitions to match the language in the State Statute. There are a few prohibitions that are being deleted because they are already prohibited elsewhere in the Code.


3.       Section 18-209: The language being deleted is unnecessary as it is already addressed in the Penalties provision of the Article.


4.       Section 18-222 and 18-223: The changes to Section 18-222 are just deletions of language that is either unnecessary or duplicative. Section 18-223 is being deleted in its entirety because the State recently amended the statutes removing the right to suspend driver’s licenses because of a failure to pay parking tickets.


5.       Article VI: This Article has been cleaned up by deleting language that is unnecessary relating to traffic tickets and penalties, as police authority to issue tickets and penalties and fines are already established in the State Statute and/or other places in the Code. The remaining provisions address compliance tickets. The list of possible compliance tickets has been reduced significantly after a  review by the Police Department determined that tickets have not been and are not likely to be issued for those sections.


6.       Section 18-801: The changes just clarify the articles which are covered by the adjudication process.



It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 of the Arlington Heights Municipal Code.


Code Amendment - Chapter 18 - TrafficOrdinance