This project is located at the intersection of Lake Cook Rd and Wilke Rd in Arlington Heights. Improvements include modifications to the existing Wilke/Lake Cook Road traffic signal to provide a pedestrian crossing and signalization on both Wilke Road and Lake Cook Road. Also included are the installation of ADA ramps, painted crosswalks on Lake Cook Road and Wilke Road, and an eight foot wide multi-use trail. The multi-use trail will extend approximately 500 feet from Lake Cook Road into the Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve, safely connecting the Village of Arlington Heights bikeway system to the existing Buffalo Creek Forest Preserve trail system. This connection will provide access to the 408-acre preserve which presently has a network of four miles of crushed-gravel trails with an additional 1.2 miles currently under construction.
Bids for the Buffalo Creek Multi-Use Trail Extension Project (19-00212-00-BT/C-91-179-20) were duly advertised and publicly opened on June 12, 2020, by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT):
A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. $265,735.25
Copenhaver Construction, Inc. $286,995.05
Landmark Contractors, Inc. $325,059.30
Martam Construction Incorporated $347,675.70
Alliance Contractors, Inc. $359,613.70
Engineer’s Estimate: $247,875.00
TAP-L Grant Funding Approved: $198,300.00
Invest in Cook Funding Approved: $75,000.00
Total Budgeted by Village: $50,000.00
On November 21, 2019, Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways executed an agreement with the Village of Arlington Heights for county participation of construction costs. Invest in Cook funding will cover 50% of the Village’s share of the construction costs not to exceed $75,000. The Agreement is structured whereby the Village must pay the actual local share of construction costs to IDOT and submit for reimbursement from the county.
On May 18, 2020, IDOT executed a joint agreement with the Village of Arlington Heights for federal participation of construction costs. TAP-L funding will cover 80% of the construction cost up to $198,300. The Agreement is structured whereby the State administers the contract and bills the Village for the local share.
Construction is expected to start mid-August and the duration of the project will be thirty working days.
It is therefore recommended that the Village Board concur with IDOT’s acceptance of the low bid by A Lamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $265,735.25 (TAP-L share = $198,300, Cook County Share = $33,717.62, Village Share = $33,717.63) and amend the Capital Projects Fund Budget to reflect the following:
Capital Projects Fund - Amend the Pedestrian/ Bicycle Crossing - Lake Cook/ Wilke Rd - 401-7101-571.50-30 (SG-18-01) to reflect a total budget amount of $75,400 ($67,400 for construction, $8,000 for consultant services) using contingency funds. Amend the fund budget to reflect grant revenue from Cook County in the amount of $33,700.