The Arlington Heights Police Department applied for, and was awarded, a grant in the total of $93,316.00 from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Bureau of Safety Programs and Engineering (BSPE). The Sustained Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant is made possible with federal funds (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) that are issued to the State annually for highway safety initiatives. The primary goals for the program include: reducing motor vehicle crashes, reducing crash severity, increasing use of occupant protection devices, distracted driving enforcement and reducing impaired driving. Grant recipients are required to provide clear data supporting the community need and specific ways program funding will improve problem areas and traffic safety. The Arlington Heights Police Department was successful in developing a year-long program which not only satisfies the requirements of the grant, but also meets the overarching goal of improving the well being of residents and visitors throughout the community.
Funding for the grant runs from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021. The grant provides full, non-matching, funding for personnel costs to operate multiple traffic safety initiatives over the duration of this grant period. Some will occur during this fiscal year and the majority will take place in FY2021.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the acceptance of this grant and amend the FY2020 budget to include use of $11,972 in grant monies (the balance of $81,344 will be allocated in the preparation of FY2021 budget).
It is recommended that a Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation for a Sustained Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) Grant be approved. It is further recommended that the Village Board approve an amendment to the FY2020 budget to include use of $11,972 in grant monies (the balance of $81,344 will be allocated in the preparation of FY2021 budget).