Staff and consultants have prepared an application to submit for Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) Funds for Downtown Arlington Heights Streetscape pedestrian, bicycle, and accessibility infrastructure enhancement project. The grant application includes projects from the Village’s existing Capital Improvement Program, such as improvements to Evergreen Avenue and the mid-block crosswalks yet to be installed at Evergreen and Campbell Street. It would also include, additional potential streetscape enhancement possibilities, such as expansion of Harmony Park with a permeable paver pedestrian friendly woonerf type concept. A resolution needs to be approved by the Village Board on October 19, 2020 in order to meet the application deadline of the end of October.
As part of the Planning & Community Development’s annual presentation and report to the Board, several new amenities and initiatives were presented for further evaluation, including continuing to add Downtown amenities to keep Arlington Heights Downtown on the cutting edge. Amenities discussed included exploring the possibilities of Vail Avenue as a curbless street to make it easier to close for events, the expansion of the Downtown light ceiling, and other entertainment/aesthetic options for the outdoor environment.
Since then, the Vail Avenue garage improvements have been implemented and developments such as Sigwalt 16 and Arlington 425 have been approved, plus new restaurants and entertainment venues opened in Downtown Arlington Heights. The Village Board business plan also includes priorities towards sustainable improvements.
The fiscal year 2020 budget included funds for preliminary consultant study to explore ideas and the possibility of a curbless street concept at Vail Avenue and Campbell Street intersections. In January, a contract ($8,500) was executed with Haeger Engineering and Smith Consulting Group for this work. In March 2020, the project was initially placed on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to devote all resources to the Arlington Alfresco initiative. Evaluating Arlington Alfresco throughout this summer has also provided advantages in analysis of this scope of work. More recently, the project staff reengaged with the consultant and concept plans and ideas are currently being developed.
In late August, Chip Brooks from Hey Nonny introduced Staff to Rick Morsches, Chief Executive Officer for TranSystems, and a 30-year Arlington Heights resident. Mr. Morsches has offered free services from TranSystems employees to assist in preparation of the Arlington ITEP application.
Preliminary Scope of Work
Attached is a preliminary scope of work that is still being refined as well as an overall concept mapping for the area. None of these ideas are set in stone and will entail community input as well as review and approval by the Village Board. Two elements that have already been approved by the Village Board and included in the Village’s Capital Improvement Plan include the Evergreen Avenue Streetscape improvements and mid-block walkway and the proposed mid-block walkway at Campbell Street. These elements are included in the grant application, which if approved could receive up to 80% funding through the grant.
The ITEP grant allows for a maximum $2 million grant award and is now on a two-year application cycle. The deadline for the current application cycle is November 2. A 20% local match is required, therefore if successful and the Evergreen Avenue and the two mid-block walkways referenced earlier (CIP 2021 $200,000 and 2022 $110,000) can be funded through the ITEP grant, the Village’s local portion of this cost could be 20% instead of 100%. The savings could then be utilized towards the Village’s overall 20% match. In addition, the Village Board recently approved a new Green Aggregation program that would provide for up to $450,000 in local contribution. Portions of the Green Aggregation funds could be used towards the permeable paver component of the Village’s match if successful in the grant application.
It is recommended that the attached Resolution in Support of the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for Downtown Street Enhancements, be approved.