Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Groundwater Control - portion of Rand Road near 630 W Rand Rd
Department: Legal

The Village has received a request for a Groundwater Control Ordinance for a portion of Rand Road that includes the southwest and southeast corners of Rand Rd at Euclid Ave located within Arlington Heights’ limits, on behalf of the owner of the 7-11 gas station, 630 W Rand Road, Mt. Prospect.  


When property is contaminated, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permits a contaminated incident to be closed without being fully cleaned. This process is called Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives (TACO). Through TACO, an entity can obtain closure on a site that may still have residual amounts of contaminants by agreeing to certain institutional controls in the future. One such control can be adoption of a groundwater control ordinance, either prohibiting wells throughout a town or one covering only a specific area.  The Village does not have an ordinance completely prohibiting wells throughout the Village. Instead, upon request, the Village Board has adopted site-specific groundwater control ordinances.


The requested site-specific groundwater control ordinance for the site at issue encompasses the area as set forth in Exhibit A attached to the ordinance.




It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Groundwater as a Potable Water Supply by the Installation or Use of Potable Water Supply Wells or by any Other Method for a portion of Rand Road at or around 630 W Rand Road, Mt. Prospect.

Groundwater Control - portion of Rand Rd @ EuclidResolution