Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Furnishing of Aggregate Materials & Trucking, Disposal of Debris, and Snow Hauling - Contract Extension 2020-2021
Department: Public Works

On August 3, 2015, the Public Works Department awarded a three-year contract to the lowest responsible bidders for the Furnishing of Aggregate Materials & Trucking, Disposal of Debris, and Hauling of Snow. These contracts were awarded to CC Cartage, Inc. for aggregate materials, trucking, and disposal of debris and to KLF Enterprises for hauling snow.


The contracts are set to expire at the end of 2020. Furnishing of Aggregate Materials & Trucking and Disposal of Debris contracts are an important tool for Public Works to obtain trench backfill & pipe bedding material and other excavation fill material necessary for the continued maintenance of the water and sewer systems. This contract enables the Public Works Department to dispose of excavated materials to landfills in accordance with State regulations as well as truck asphalt material required for the Public Works annual asphalt edge grinding program. The contract also includes the hauling of snow during snow cleanup operations. The budget for this work in 2020 is $279,100 in the Water Enterprise Fund and $165,000 in the General Fund.


This would be the last of three possible one year contract extensions. KLF Enterprises has agreed to extend the contract for another year with no increase to unit prices. CC Cartage has offered to extend the contract for one year with an increase in unit prices, that is in accordance with the original bid documents and contract. The amount of the unit price increase would be equal to the 2020 consumer price index for Metropolitan Chicago, Gary Indiana and Kenosha (+1.5%). The term of the extension for both contracts would begin in November of 2020 and conclude in December of 2021.


Staff has been pleased with both contractors' quality of work and customer service. Staff recommends the extension of this contract.


Funds are available in Account Nos. 505-7201-561.21-36, 505-7201-561.21-62, 505-7201-561.31-90, 101-7101-531.21-36, and 101-7101-531.21-62




It is recommended that the Village Board approve a one-year contract extension to CC Cartage, Inc. of Lake Zurich, Illinois and to KLF Enterprises of Markham, Illinois, for Furnishing of Aggregate Materials & Trucking, Disposal of Debris, and Hauling of Snow, per unit pricing and the requested increase in accordance with original contract terms, and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.