Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Area 4 - Campbell/Sigwalt Downtown Sewer Improvements – Phase 3 Engineering Contract Change Order #1 & FINAL
Department: Public Works

In 2019, the Village awarded a contract to Burns & McDonnell for professional engineering services related to the construction inspection and engineering oversight of the Downtown Sewer Project constructed under separate contract by Martam Construction, Inc.


As described in the attached memo dated October 9, 2020, additional work and time was required to complete the construction contract, which also lengthened the time required for the engineering consultant, Burns & McDonnell, to be on the job. Burns & McDonnell was on site inspecting on the Village’s behalf for nearly two additional months at an additional cost of $64,800 (24.9%) over the current contract amount of $259,800. Change Order #1 & FINAL for this contract also changes the contract completion date from September 27, 2019 to December 1, 2019.


Sufficient funds are available from Storm Water Control Fund reserves.




It is recommended that the Village Board approve Change Order #1 & FINAL for the construction engineering contract with Burns & McDonnell in the amount of $64,800.


A budget amendment is recommended to the Storm Water Control Fund Construction in Progress – Area 4 Campbell/Sigwalt, Account Number 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW1804), in the amount of $64,800 from Storm Water Control Fund reserves.

Downtown Sewer Project - Final Change Orders MEMO w/attachmentsMemorandum