Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - IL Transportation Enhancement Program Grant - Bicycle Accommodations
Department: PW/Legal

The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is actively seeking grant opportunities to fund bicycle and pedestrian facility improvement projects identified in the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (2017).  The Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP) announced a call for projects and is one of the only grant opportunities that allows for funds to be used towards the phase one engineering study. With the guidance of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission, we have identified three high priority projects that also qualify for this funding opportunity.  These projects include:


  1. Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations along Windsor Drive from Crabtree Drive to Dryden Avenue
  2. Bicycle accommodations along Goebbert Road from East Falcon Drive to Golf Road
  3. Installation of a multi-use path connecting the Palatine Trail to the west and Prospect Heights Bike Path to the east, utilizing the ComEd right-of-way through the Village limits of Arlington Heights


To qualify for this funding opportunity, it is necessary to obtain a resolution from the Village Board supporting these projects. The ITEP grant will cover 80% of the cost of each study, with the Village covering the 20% local share. The studies are proposed to be funded through the MFT Fund. These resolutions are simply to approve the ITEP grant applications and any funding request to conduct the actual studies will still have to be approved by the Board at a later date.




It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the attached Resolution in support of the ITEP grant application for bicycle accommodations on Goebbert Road from East Falcon Drive to Golf Road.

ITEP Grant - Bicycle AccommodationsResolution