The Public Works Department performs Snow and Ice Control on the Village owned Parking Garages. Staff continues to use a combination of liquid and granular non-chloride deicers. The use of chlorides has a negative effect on the structural steel embedded into the garage’s concrete.
On October 18, 2017, the Village Board awarded a three-year contract, with three optional one-year extensions to Schoenberg Salt of Oceanside, NY, for granular non-chloride deicer at a bid price of $1,742.50/metric ton, the Village averages about 20 tons per year.
Staff is recommending the first of three possible one-year extensions. The vendor has agreed to hold current prices and has not requested an increase. Staff has been satisfied with the product and services provided by Schoenberg Salt. The contract extension would begin December 1, 2020 and run through November 30, 2021.
Funding for this material is available in Account Numbers 235-7301-532-3190 and 235-7302-532-3190 and 235-7303-532-3190.
It is recommended that the Village Board award a one-year contract extension to Schoenberg Salt of Oceanside, New York, for the Parking Garage Granular Deicer per unit pricing, in accordance with the original contract terms, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.