Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Superion Solutions Annual Agreement 2021
Department: Integrated Service Department

The Village’s current enterprise resource program (ERP) system, formally SunGard HTE and now CentralSquare, was purchased in 1996.  This software provides base internal service activities such as accounting, budgeting, payroll, purchasing, cash receipts and permitting.


The Village signed a contract with Plante Moran, an ERP consulting firm, in October 2019 to assist the Village in reviewing, selecting, and implementing a new ERP system. Implementing the new system may take up to three years to complete. Since the Village is looking for a new ERP system and an exact implementation schedule has not yet been established, it has been determined to only renew our current maintenance support agreement one year at a time with CentralSquare. The agreement would run from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021.


Central Square is the sole provider for the AS400 software and equipment.  Funds are available and budgeted in 625-0601-553-2039. 




It is recommended that the Village Board approve a one-year ASP software and maintenance agreement with Superion Solutions/Central Square, Lake Mary, FL in the amount of $212,458.69.