In the Fall of 2017, the Village became the 34th Member in the Geographic Information System (GIS) Consortium. The GISC is an organization of Chicago-area communities that share a common goal of optimizing the value of geographic information systems. It is a Shared Services Model, meaning members are unified by the ability to share resources, information, staffing, technology, as well as identifying opportunities for minimizing costs and risks.
The GIS Consortium is serviced by Municipal GIS Partners, Inc. (MGP), that provide GIS resources to the members of the Consortium. Over the past 3 years, MGP has provided the Village with technical resources (both on-site and remotely), software, software licenses and hosting for the Village’s GIS system. The GIS staff provides monthly status reports and works closely with Village staff to insure the GIS resources are available and utilized. Membership in the consortium has allowed the Village to quickly develop, maintain, and extend a robust GIS system for use by the staff and community. The Village GIS program supports mandated municipal mapping, data maintenance, analysis, and public interactive search and map tools.
Over the past three years MGP has met staff’s expectations and has been a reliable GIS service provider. Staff recommends Village Board approval of a recommendation to renew the GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc., in the amount of $208,514.00. This amount is a slight decrease from the prior year cost.
The 1-year contract is renewable on an annual basis. Funds are available and budgeted.
It is recommended that a Resolution Approving a GIS Consortium Service Provider Contract with Municipal GIS Partners, Inc, be approved.