Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Stormwater Pump Replacement - Wilke II
Department: Public Works

The Village’s Public Works Department maintains 13 Pumping Stations in order to handle the storm and sanitary needs of the community. The 2021 budget includes funding for yearly upgrades or replacement of these critical pumps and motors.


On September 16th, 2020, Stormwater Pump #3 at our Wilke II Stormwater Pump Station failed.  At this station, the Village operates three pumps, and has one as a backup. The pumping station handles stormwater for the Wilke II Detention Pond. The backup pump was installed with the assistance of a contractor, and the failed pump and motor were broken down and taken to the distributor for inspection and analysis. After serving 25 years, the pump and motor no longer are economically serviceable, and it is recommended that they be replaced.  The replacement pump and motor are from Xylem Water Solutions and matches four of the pumps located at the Wilke I and Wilke II Stations.  The pump will be stored as an emergency backup.  Xylem is the sole source provider of Flygt pumps, and staff has had success with them in numerous projects in the past.


The cost for the proposed pump and motor is $56,596.10.  Funding for these items is available in Account No. 505-7201-561.50-15 (EQ 1530).




Staff recommends the waiving of competitive bids and to award a contract to Xylem Water Solutions of Mokena, Illinois, for purchase of the replacement pump and motor, at a not-to-exceed amount of $56,596.10 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.