The Greenbrier / Roanoke Infrastructure Improvement Project is scheduled to be let for bid in late January of 2021. The project scope provides for additional stormwater detention by expanding an existing basin into a vacant parcel to the south. The excavation requires the relocation of an existing AT&T underground fiber optic utility duct that runs east and west across the property.
Typically, when a utility is located in Public ROW and the Village provides notice, the utility will relocate their utility at no cost. To this point, AT&T has refused to relocate at no cost to the Village because the duct is located in an easement not ROW.
In order to expedite this work, the Village requested an estimate of cost for the relocation. The cost for relocation is $37,899.05.
It is our intention to continue discussions with AT&T, including the exploration of legal options, with hopes of waiving the fee or reimbursing us if we make payment. We are currently in consultation with the Village Attorney on this issue.
Staff is therefore requesting Board approval for payment of this expenditure in order to not delay the project.
Funding is available in the Stormwater Utililty Fund - Account No. 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW1803).
It is recommended that Village Board approve payment of $37,899.05 to AT&T for utility relocation services related to the Greenbrier / Roanoke Infrastructure Improvement Project, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.