Asphalt Maintenance is one of the key responsibilities of the Public Works Department. Every year crews perform pothole repairs, patching, and crack sealing. Over the years, Staff has been satisfied with contractual spray patching as an additional tool for asphalt maintenance. Spray patching is a unique process where emulsion and stone are sprayed into a pothole. The process is controlled safely from inside a truck and usually takes a one-person crew to complete. The result is a pothole repair that far outlasts the "throw and go" process that uses cold mix asphalt that has to be repeatedly placed into potholes. Public Works has been contracting spray patching for seven years and has not seen a single failure to date.
The Village Board awarded a one-year contract with Pothole Pros for Spray Patching, on May 6, 2019. The Public Works Department bid this work out in 2015, 2017, and 2019. In all three cases Pothole Pros was the sole bidder. Staff is therefore requesting Village Board approval to waive competitive bids and authorize the 2021 contract for spray patching to Pothole Pros.
Pothole Pros agreed to a two-year contract with a 3% price increase to a rate of $224.50 per hour. This rate includes all labor, equipment, and materials to complete pothole patching.
Staff has been pleased with Pothole Pros quality of work, and recommends the two-year contract.
Funds are available in Account No. 101-7101-531.21-15 totaling $90,000.
It is recommended that the Village Board waive competitive bids and award a two-year contract for Asphalt Spray Patching to Pothole Pros of Elgin, Illinois, up to the budgeted amount, and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.