The Police Department’s uniformed staff is required to maintain a uniform inventory and associated issued equipment to remain duty-ready. There is a mandated duty uniform standard that includes workmanship and quality designed to convey a professional image and appearance.
The Village advertised and publicly opened all submitted sealed bids for uniforms and personal issue equipment. The bid is for 12-months with the option to renew for 2 additional 12-month periods. Two bids were received. These bids are based on estimates of what is anticipated to be purchased annually; actual expenditures will be based on the submitted unit prices:
JG Uniforms, Inc. $68,827
Ray O'Herron Co., Inc. $82,609
The current Collective Bargaining Agreement provides that the Village will offer more than one uniform vendor for officers to acquire authorized clothing and equipment. Therefore, the Department recommends awarding the bid to the two lowest bidders.
The Village has a long, positive business relationship with JG Uniforms and Ray O'Herron.
It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter into separate agreements with JG Uniforms and Ray O'Herron for the purchase of uniforms and personal issue equipment for the Police Department.