Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Greenbrier Area Public Improvements - Contract Award
Department: Public Works

The approved 2021 Capital Improvements Program includes $7.89 million in total budgeted funds for storm sewer improvements, roadway construction, and watermain replacement. The project is delineated by West Alec Street, North Wilke Road, Cambridge Street, and North Verde Street.


The 2021 Capital Fund budget includes $3,191,600 from the Storm Water Control Fund for the storm sewer related portions of the project. The storm sewer improvements include the addition and replacement of large diameter storm pipes and the expansion of the detention pond at Happiness Park.  These improvements will increase the storm water detention for this area and bring the capacity to current standards.


The 2021 Capital Fund budget includes $2,700,000 designated for the roadway reconstruction and resurfacing portions of the project.  The road improvements include the resurfacing of Cambridge Street and North Verde Street, and the reconstruction of Roanoke Drive, Concord Drive, and Lexington Drive.  Reconstruction includes full replacement of road base, sidewalk, concrete curbs, and asphalt. Resurfacing includes road base, curb repair, sidewalk repair, and replacement of the surface layer of asphalt.


The 2021 Water and Sewer Fund budget includes $2,000,000 in dedicated funds for watermain improvements in this area. This project is part of the Village's ongoing program to replace aging watermains throughout the Village. The Public Works Department prioritizes watermain replacement based on defect severity, occurrence failure interval, service reliability, and other related parameters. This year's project includes the rehabilitation of 1,290 lineal feet of watermain located at North Wilke Road. This process consists of installing a liner inside an existing watermain which allows for a reduction in excavation and material trucking expenses.  The project is anticipated to begin in March and conclude by the end of October 2021. These are special provisions for work around the school that need to be completed by the start of school in August.


On February 3rd, 2021, twelve bids were opened and publicly read aloud. The Engineering recommendation and bid tabulation is attached.


The bids ranged from $7,287,487 to $8,768,304 with the lowest bid received from DiMeo Brothers, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL.  The spread between the bids was $1,480,817 or 20.3%. Staff from Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. (CBBEL) and the Village analyzed the bid documents and made contact with the apparent low bidder to confirm a clear understanding  of the plans and specifications.  References on DiMeo Brothers were favorable and CBBEL and Village Staff believe they have the ability to perform the work satisfactorily and to specifications.


Funding is available for this improvements in the following accounts:


Storm Sewer Improvements $3,191,600 in Account No. 426-7101-571.50-25 (SW1803)

Road Improvements $2,700,000 in Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST9008)

Watermain Improvements $2,000,000 in Account No. 505-9001-571.50-25 (WA9001)




It is recommended that the Village Board award a contract for the Greenbrier Public Improvements project to DiMeo Brothers, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, in an amount of $7,287,487 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.

Greenbrier Area Public Improvements - Letter of Recommendation of AwardExhibits