Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Professional Engineering Services Contract for Construction Inspectors for 2021 Resurfacing Program & 2021 MFT Reconstruction Program
Department: Public Works

Since 2015, the Department of Public Works Engineering Division has successfully utilized a consulting firm to assist with construction inspection for the annual Street Resurfacing Program and annual Street Reconstruction Program.  As typical with the annual street programs, Engineering Division staff will still be the Resident Construction Supervisors for these projects.


Proposals were last requested from consulting firms in 2017 and the contract was then extended an additional three years, ending in 2020.  Therefore, it was necessary for the Engineering Division to once again request proposals from consultants for Professional Engineering Services for two Construction Engineering Inspectors. This year, eight consulting firms were selected to provide a proposal for these services and six firms submitted proposals. Consultants were asked to provide professional resumes for proposed personnel, the proposed personnel's present workload, and a fee schedule for their base hourly rate and their overtime rate. 


After careful review of the proposals, the Engineering Division is recommending Baxter & Woodman for Construction Engineer Inspectors. The selected personnel from Baxter & Woodman have successfully performed these services for surrounding communities, including Schaumburg, West Dundee, Wood Dale and most recently the McHenry County Division of Transportation Randall Road Reconstruction Project. 


In addition, the personnel proposed for this firm have the relevant experience and expertise to perform the work as outlined in the request for proposal. In addition to providing rates to complete the services in Fiscal Year 2021, the firms were also requested to provide rates to provide similar services in FY2022 through FY2024. Upon satisfactory completion of the first year of work, the Village will have the option to extend the contract for an additional three years at the hourly rates provided in the proposal.  


Included as an attachment is a summary of the rates proposed by each firm. The estimated cost was calculated by reviewing the history of straight time and overtime hours worked in previous construction years.  The actual hours used may fluctuate and are dependent on the contractor’s work schedule.


Funding is included in the current budget under General Fund Account No. 101-7101-531.20-05 ($155,800), and Capital Projects Fund Account No. 401-7101-571.50-30 (ST9008)  ($60,000).




It is recommended that the Village Board award the Professional Engineering Services contract for Construction Inspectors for the 2021 Resurfacing Program and the 2021 MFT Reconstruction Program to Baxter and Woodman of Chicago, Illinois, in an amount not-to-exceed $215,800 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.

Construction Inspectors for Reconstruction & Resurfacing BID TAB ATTACHMENTExhibits