The Public Works Engineering Division requested proposals from ten consultants for a Construction Resident Engineer for the Kensington Road Resurfacing and Multi-Use Path STU Project. The project is expected to be competitively bid through the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) letting on April 23, 2021 and the construction will be funded 75% with federal funding. Obtaining the federal funds will save the Village an approximate $1,440,000 in construction costs. Federal regulations require numerous IDOT submittals, documentation and oversight of the project to ensure that the funds are utilized appropriately.
Of the ten consultants, eight submitted proposals. After careful review, the Engineering Division is recommending Baxter & Woodman for the Construction Resident Engineer. The selected individual from Baxter & Woodman has the relevant experience and expertise to perform the work as outlined in the request for proposal and has successfully performed these services for numerous projects in surrounding communities, including the Huntley Road Reconstruction in West Dundee, IL, the Kenilworth Ave Resurfacing in Kenilworth, IL, and the Harlem Avenue Resurfacing, Traffic Signal, and Water main Improvements in Glenview, IL. The individual from Baxter & Woodman has 9 years experience as a Resident Engineer.
Included as an attachment is a summary of the rates proposed by each firm. The estimated cost was calculated by reviewing the history of straight time and overtime hours worked in previous construction years.
Funding is included in the Capital Project Fund Account #401-7101-571.50-30 (ST 9008).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the Professional Engineering Services contract for Construction Resident Engineer for the Kensington Road Resurfacing and Multi-Use Path Project to Baxter & Woodman, of Chicago, Illinois, in the amount not-to-exceed $190,000 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary documents.