Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Comprehensive Plan Amendment TIF 4 - PC#21-001
Department: Planning and Community Development Department

Requested Action

In order to facilitate redevelopment of the Tax Increment Financing District #4, staff is recommending an amendment to the Village Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for approximately 18 acres within the TIF district. The proposed recommendation is to amend the Village’s Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map from “Commercial” to “Mixed Use”. 



A public hearing was held by the Plan Commission on January 27, 2021 where Commissioner Green moved and Commissioner Cherwin seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of PC#21-001, that the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map for approximately 18 acres within TIF District No. 4 be amended from 'Commercial' to 'Mixed-Use' as shown in Exhibit A of the Staff memo.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Green, Cherwin, Drost, Dawson, Warskow, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Jensen, and Chair Ennes voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Memo Proposed Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Tax Increment Financing District #4Memorandum
PC Minutes 1/27/21 DRAFTMinutes
Comp Plan Subcommittee Minutes - 1/13/21Minutes