Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Senior Center Needs Assessment RFP Award of Consultant
Department: Planning & Community Development


Consideration and approval of consultant selection for the Senior Center space utilization, modernization and programming plan.


Business Plan 2020-2021

The Village’s business plan includes a strategic priority as follows:

Update the Senior Center - Conduct facility assessment based upon possible facility changes to meet future generation, senior age cohort needs.  Produce cosmetic technology and other changes, which will increase comfort use and encourage an energizing environment for patrons, volunteers, and staff. 



In late September, a Request for Proposal was issued to firms specializing in Senior facilities.  The Village received excellent response with 12 firms submitting proposals to the RFP.  Cost proposals from the firms ranged from approximately $39,000 to $140,000. 



It is recommended that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to enter in an agreement with BKV Group, Lifespan Design Studio and Jill Jackson Ledford, for the Senior Center utilization, modernization, and programming study in the amount of $58,000.  It is further recommended that the 2021 budget be amended and funds be transferred from the contingency fund to account #401-7101-571.50-20.
