Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Greenbrier Detention Pond - NE Corner Cambridge St & Yale Ave - PC#21-004
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action


1. Planned Unit Development Approval.


2. Preliminary Plat of Subdivision approval to consolidate four lots and

Village ROW into one lot.


3. Rezoning from the R-3 District to the P-L District.


4. Comprehensive Plan Amendment to classify the site as Open Space


Variations Required


1. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1, to waive the requirement to provide a Traffic and Parking Study prepared by a Certified Traffic Engineer.




A public meeting was held by the Plan Commission on February 24, 2021 where Commissioner Lorenzini moved and Commissioner Cherwin seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, approval of the Greenbrier Detention Pond, PC#21-004, a Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat of Subdivision to consolidate four lots and Village Right-of-Way into one lot, Rezoning from the R-3 District to the P-L District, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to classify the site as Open Space, and the following variation:


1. A variation from Chapter 28, Section 6.12-1, to waive the requirement to provide a Traffic and Parking Study prepared by a Certified Traffic Engineer.


This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:


1.  Final Plat of Subdivision approval is required.


2. The petitioner shall comply with all Federal, State, and Village Codes, Regulations, and Policies.


Roll Call Vote: Commissioners Cherwin, Dawson, Drost, Green, Jensen, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, and Chair Ennes voted in favor.  Motion carried.

Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
PC Minutes 2/24/21 - DRAFTMinutes
Greenbriar AerialExhibits
Response to Variation ApprovalCorrespondence
Engineering PlansExhibits
Happiness Park Plat of ResubdivisionExhibits
Landscape Plan - Subject SiteExhibits
Tree Removal PlanExhibits
Planning Comments - Round 1 - 2/10/21Correspondence
Engineering Comments - 2/11/21 - Plat of ResubdivisionCorrespondence
Engineering Comments - 2/18/21 - Plat of ResubdivisionCorrespondence
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits
Resident FeedbackCorrespondence