Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Ordinance - Amendment to Ordinance Number 2020-031 - PetSuites, 1050 E Rand Rd
Department: Planning/Legal

On September 21, 2020, Ordinance Number 2020-031, was approved granting a land use variation to PetSuites, 1050 E Rand Rd. At the meeting, the Village Board approved a condition that was in addition to the Plan Commission's recommendation, related to a cross-access easement on the property, which was inadvertently omitted from the Ordinance.


An amendment to Ordinance Number 2020-031 is necessary to include the following condition to Section Four of the Ordinance:


7.  Upon request of the Village, the Petitioner agrees to provide a cross-access easement to the property to the west so long as it is operated as a Dunkin Donuts, in order to accommodate a point of shared westbound egress on to Rand Road at the existing egress point on Petitioner’s property.  Such agreement would be implemented so long as there is no internal access to any other portion of Petitioner’s property, and there are traffic controls implemented to avoid any negative traffic impacts to the Petitioner’s property.  Any improvements necessary to study, design and construct said connection shall not be the responsibility of the Petitioner.




It is recommended that an Ordinance Amending Ordinance Number 2020-031, be approved.

Amendment Ord 2020-031 - PetSuitesOrdinance