Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Hamilton Partners - 703-709 & 713-723 W. Algonquin Rd - PC#20-016
Department: Planning & Community Development

Requested Action

1. Amendment to PUD Ordinance #18-014 to allow modifications to the approved Phase II development plan.


Variations Required

1. Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 5.1-16.2(c), to allow parking to be setback 8.9’ from the rear property line where code requires a 15’ minimum setback.

2. Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 6.15-1.2(b), to waive the requirement for certain landscape islands at the end of every twenty parking spaces, at the end of certain parking rows, and beneath every light pole.

3. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.5-6, to allow a 24-foot tall accessory structure where code limits the maximum height of accessory structures to 15 feet.

4. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.5-7a, to allow a 3,120 square foot accessory structure where code restricts the maximum size of accessory structures to 720 square feet.

5. Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3b, to allow a 10’ tall fence within a rear yard where code restricts fence heights to 6’ in a rear yard.




A public meeting was held by the Plan Commission on February 24, 2021 where Commissioner Dawson moved and Commissioner Green seconded:


A motion to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees approval of PC #20-016, an amendment to PUD Ordinance #18-014 to allow modifications to the approved Phase II Development Plan, as well as the following variations to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code:

1.  Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 5.1-16.2(C), to allow parking to be set back 8.9 feet from the rear property line where code requires a 15-foot minimum setback.

2.  Variation to Chapter 28 of the Municipal Code, Section 6.15-1.2(B), to waive the requirement for certain landscape islands at the end of every 20 parking spaces, at the end of certain parking rows, and beneath every light pole.

3.  Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.5-6, to allow a 24-foot tall accessory structure where code limits the maximum height of accessory structures to 15 feet.

4.  Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.5-7A, to allow a 3,120 square-foot accessory structure where code restricts the maximum size of accessory structures to 720 square feet.

5.  Variation to Chapter 28, Section 6.13-3B, to allow a 10-foot tall fence within a rear yard where code restricts fence heights to six feet in a rear yard.

This recommendation is subject to the following conditions:

1.  Prior to appearing before the Village Board for approval of the PUD amendment, the truck turning exhibits shall be revised to show the landscaped area on the western side of the site and the correct location of the fence/gates for review and approval by the Village.

2.  The 22-foot wide portion of the shared access drive located on the subject property shall be reconstructed/repaved to a standard suitable to accommodate heavy truck traffic, for review and approval by the Village of Arlington Heights.  This shall occur no later than November of 2023, and would require approval from Weber Packaging Solutions.

3.  Condition 6A of Ordinance #18-014 shall be amended to read pursuant to condition #6 of Ordinance #02-094.  The Petitioner shall accept ownership and maintenance responsibilities for Outlot A, provided that the current owner deeds Outlot A to the Petitioner.

4.  Conditions #4 and #5 from Ordinance #18-014 shall be repealed.

5.  The maintenance/vehicle repair structure shall keep all overhead doors closed while repair operations are occurring.  No non-Frito Lay (or future tenant) vehicles shall be repaired on the subject property--all repair and maintenance occurring onsite shall be for the vans and trucks stored on the subject property.  The automobile repair is considered an ancillary use and only minor automobile repair (either trucks, vans, automobile) is permitted.

6.  Any tenants on the subject property utilizing the gated parking area shall operate/use the truck and van gates as presented within the Petitioner's departmental responses so as not to cause conflicts within the shared parking drive.

7.  At the expense of the Petitioner, a landscaped island (inclusive of landscaping) or similar barrier feature in the general location as shown in red on Exhibit 3, shall be constructed to prevent vehicle movements from encroaching outside of the easement area and into the Weber Packaging Solutions property.  Final design of said feature shall be as determined by the Village in cooperation with the Petitioner and Weber Packaging Solutions.  This shall only be required if approved by Weber Packaging Solutions.


Roll Call Vote:  Commissioners Dawson, Green, Cherwin, Drost, Jensen, Lorenzini, Sigalos, Warskow, and Chair Ennes vote in favor.  Motion carried.



VB Update Memo Memorandum
Staff ReportBoard or Commission Report
Comparison of 2018 & 2021 Approval ConditionsExhibits
PC Minutes 2/24/21 - DRAFTMinutes
Correspondence from Hamilton Partners 2-24-21Correspondence
Correspondence from Weber Packaging Solutions 2-24-21Correspondence
Project NarrativeExhibits
Development ScheduleExhibits
Architectural PlansExhibits
Engineering PlansExhibits
Existing & Proposed Phase II Development PlansExhibits
Landscape PlanExhibits
Photometric PlanExhibits
Plat of SurveyExhibits
Stormwater ReportExhibits
Survey of Shared Drive AisleExhibits
Traffic & Parking StudyExhibits
Truck Turning - Phase II Existing ApprovalExhibits
Truck Turning - Phase II ModificationsExhibits
Lighting Cut Sheets & Pole HeightExhibits
Village Review Comments - Round 1Exhibits
Village Review Comments - Round 1 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Village Review Comments - Round 2Exhibits
Village Review Comments - Round 2 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
Village Review Comments - Round 3Exhibits
Village Review Comments - Round 3 - Petitioner ResponseExhibits
PC Timeline TrackerExhibits