Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Resolution - IDOT - MFT Maintenance Funds - 2021 Traffic Signal Maintenance
Department: PW/Legal

As part of the 2021 budget process, the Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) fund included funds for Contractual Traffic Signal Maintenance.  The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) has requested that the attached IDOT Motor Fuel Tax Resolution for Maintenance Under the Illinois Highway Code appropriating funds for 2020 Traffic Signal Maintenance be adopted prior to expenditures being made, which is why the 2021 Resolution is being presented at this time.




It is recommended that the Village Board adopt the Resolution for Maintenance under the Illinois Highway Code and appropriate $114,500 and authorize Staff to execute the necessary submittals.  Funding for this expenditure will come from the Public Works MFT Programs Capital Projects Account No. 401-7101-571.50-40.

IDOT - 2021 Traffic Signal MaintenanceResolution