In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal government allocated a second CARES Act CDBG-Covid (CV) grant to the Village of Arlington Heights in the amount of $383,860. The purpose of this public hearing is for the Committee of the Whole to consider, and for the public to comment on, proposed uses for the $383,860 in CDBG-CV3 funds.
At the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 8, 2021, the proposed Substantial Amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan and amendment to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan including a proposed budget for the CDBG-CV3 funds. Materials from this meeting, including the draft CDBG-CV3 budget are available for the required 5-day public comment period from March 10, 2021 through March 14, 2021.
This is the second public hearing on this topic.
Next Step
If approved by the Village Board, the Substantial Amendment to the Village’s 2019 Annual Action Plan and amendment to the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan will be submitted to HUD. HUD may take up to 45 days for its review Upon approval, HUD will provide a Grant Agreement to the Village for the CDBG-CV3 funds