Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: 2021 MFT Street Reconstruction / Rehabilitation Project - Award
Department: Public Works

The approved 2021 Capital Improvement Program includes $4,000,000 for the reconstruction of approximately 2.59 miles of street.  The scheduled work includes fully reconstructing sixteen different street segments located throughout the Village. Street reconstruction is done when the Engineering Division of Public Works has evidence of roadway base failure. This failure is not conducive to the more frequent maintenance task of resurfacing when only the surface course of asphalt is removed and replaced.


Street reconstruction consists of the complete removal including some sidewalks, residential aprons, curb & gutter, roadway base and surface asphalt.

On March 25, 2021, bids for the 2021 MFT Street Reconstruction Program, IDOT Section #21-00215-00-00-PV, were publicly opened and read aloud.  The bid tabulation is as follows:

J. A. Johnson Paving $3,990,700.00
Builder’s Paving, LLC $3,995,000.00
Arrow Road Construction $4,179,212.95


J.A. Johnson Paving submitted the low bid and has successfully performed the reconstruction program for the Village for several years.  

If approved, this project will begin in mid to late April, weather pending. The project will be substantially complete in late August. Landscaping will be complete by October, when weather conditions permit.

Funds are available in the Motor Fuel Tax Fund - Account No. 211-7101-571.50-40 (ST9009) $3,990,700


It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2021 MFT Street Reconstruction Project contract to J.A. Johnson Paving, LLC of Arlington Heights, Illinois in the not-to-exceed amount of $3,990,700 and authorize the execution of the necessary documents.