Included in the 2021 Public Works Operating budget is $358,900 for materials used in roadway maintenance. The Public Works Department uses roadway maintenance materials for street repairs, the in-house paving program, and roadway restoration of emergency utility work.
On March 26, 2021 at 11:00 A.M., a bid opening was held and two bids were publicly opened and read aloud. An itemization of bids by material type is listed below. Included in the bid specifications is a mileage differential to equalize the bids because the Public Works Department picks up the material directly from the material plants and distance to the source is an important factor. The mileage differential has been factored into the unit prices shown below:
BIDDER Hot Mix Hot Mix Bituminous UPM
Asphalt Asphalt Materials Materials
Arrow Road $55.37 $51.42 $14.17 $145.42
(10.6 miles)
Builders Asphalt LLC $56.82 $52.32 $14.82
(12.6 miles)
Staff is requesting authorization to purchase from multiple vendors due to material availability and location of project. Periodically, the lowest bidder cannot furnish materials when needed and it becomes necessary to place an order from the next lowest responsible bidder.
Funds are available for this material in Account Nos. 101-7101-531.31-90 ($343,900) and #505-7201-561.31-90 ($15,000).
It is recommended that the Village Board award the 2021 Roadway Maintenance Material contract to the lowest responsible bidders, Arrow Road Construction of Mount Prospect, Illinois, and Builders Asphalt of Hillside, Illinois, per unit bid prices up to approved budgeted amount of $358,900 and authorize staff to execute the necessary documents.