Item Coversheet

Village Board

Item: Downtown Paver Brick Program 2021 - Award
Department: Public Works

The approved 2021 Capital  Budget includes $412,000 for the Paver Brick Replacement Program. The 2021 Downtown Brick Paver Replacement project proposes to replace the brick sidewalks on Evergreen Avenue and Dunton Avenue, near the Downtown Train Station.


Request for Proposals were sent to eight qualified contractors for the 2021 Downtown Paver Brick Program.  On March 26, 2021 the Village received two proposals, and the bid tabulation is listed below: 


Alliance Contractors, Inc.  Woodstock, IL $389,463.90

Martam Construction, Inc. Elgin, IL $556,652.40


Funding for this project is available in the following accounts:


401-7101-571.50-30 (ST 0501) Downtown Brick $384,714.00

401-7101-571.50-45 (ST 9011) Sidewalk Program $5,289.90


TOTAL BUDGET $389,463.90


In 2017, Alliance Contractors successfully completed the Wilke Road at Northwest Highway intersection improvements.  In 2016 Alliance Contractors also successfully completed the Village of Huntley Downtown Streetscape Improvements which was a complete makeover of Huntley’s Downtown with ADA improvements, curb bump outs, brick sidewalk, decorative lighting, and street furniture.


Staff recommends award to  Alliance Contractors, the amount of $389,463.90.


The Downtown Paver Brick project is scheduled for completion by mid-summer 2021.




It is recommended that the Village Board award the Downtown Paver Brick contract to  Alliance Contractors, Inc. of  Woodstock, Illinois,  in the amount of $389,463.90 and authorized staff to execute the necessary documents.